Why is the Universe saying NO??

“Have you ever heard of the Law of Polarity?” I asked the frustrated woman sitting across from me at Starbucks.

“No.” She replied, stirring her latte absentmindedly. “What’s that?”

I can’t tell you how many people are missing the magic of the Law of Attraction because they have no idea about the Law of Polarity and how to use it to manifest faster.

The Law of Polarity says that everything that exists has an equal and exact opposite. When using the Law of Attraction it is super important to understand that for anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. That is why you hear Abraham talk about both ends of the stick. For example: you cannot experience sadness without having some degree of happiness being activated.

So how can The Law of Polarity work against you?

Simple. Many Abraham Hicks fans are absolutely MANIC about staying POSITIVE.

90% of the people who find Manifest Faster saw the Secret 10 years ago and have tried and tried to make the Law of Attraction. These wonderful people are well meaning and motivated to take ownership of their lives. But. Over years of manifesting, money, lovers, new homes, new jobs and other goodies WILL NOT MANIFEST!

Are you in this group?

If being Overly Positive is your issue, then the Law of Polarity could be holding you in place. Somehow you have to find a way to USE the negativity that is existing already, according to this powerful law, and to stop DENYING your natural, god given “negative” energies.  Now, before you roll your eyes, give this experiment a try:

When you become open to Law of Polarity, you will be surprised how easy it is to move your old mind sets!

Law of Polarity Experiment

Step 1: List 5 Personal Strengths. If you have a hard time thinking of 5 positive aspects, imagine what your friends would say about you. If you cannot list 5 strengths, that would indicate that your energy is not ready for this experiment. This process can be challenging if your self-concept is too low. If this is you, click here for relief: Abraham Hicks Rampage of Love

Step 2: List the Opposite Word For Each Personal Strength. It is helpful to write down the very first word that pops into your mind. The cool thing is that there is no way to get this wrong. You may even think of a different opposite each day for the same word. For example, today, exhausted might be the opposite of strong and tomorrow it might be weak that occurs to you.

Step 3: Energy Analysis of Word Lists. Read through your lists and starting with your strengths, on a scale of 1 to 10, how strongly do you resonate with your positive aspects? Then go through the list of opposites. Do you resonate with any of the words? Can you claim some ownership of the “negative” aspects? This is an important step and a good measure for you. Here is an example for you:

Mary listed her strengths as friendly, helpful, loyal, kind, and cheerful. Her opposites were interesting. She was nervous at first about “doing it right.” I encouraged her to let her mind provide the opposites and that all answers are fine. Here is her opposite list:

Friendly – Rude
Helpful – Dense
Loyal – Cheater
Kind – Mean
Cheerful – Grouchy

Mary had no problem ranking each positive aspect as a 10.  She had a really hard time relating to any of those negative words!

“I can’t relate to any of those things. I have been working with Law of Attraction for years and I don’t bother thinking about negativity.”

Might you say the same thing? BINGO! This is excellent! The harder it is to complete this step, the more likely this is the reason you are stuck!!!

Step 4: Rescue Your Energy! Don’t panic. It can be a bit intimidating to realize that the LAW OF POLARITY is a real and powerful law. If you deny your own polarities, you guarantee that the Law of Attraction stays just out of reach. I explained to Mary that she can celebrate her wonderful strengths and even strengthen them when she rescues her energy. Here is what to do.

Visit WordHippo.com and choose a new word for each of those Opposite Traits. Your mind will have provided you with “Negative Aspects” in Step 3. Simply trust the process and accept that your Source is fueling you with exactly what you need to change your vibration so you can finally get some traction.

As you read through the choices, one of the words should “Land” for you. For Mary, when she read the word “DENSE” she couldn’t relate at all. “I have no ‘dense’ energy!” She argued with me. I understood. What an ugly word, right? But, it was her own mind that fed her that word. I told Mary she could rescue her energy by simply picking a more suitable word for the opposite of “Helpful.”

This was hard for Mary. She did not like this part of the task. “Why would I CHOOSE something negative?”She complained. I encouraged her to hang in there and trust the process. She picked the word “Underdeveloped.” “It feels ‘softer’ to me.” She said. That is the goal. You want to pick a word you can live with. Simply renaming your opposite word will shift you.

Step 4: Create A List of “Even Thoughs.” Once you have your word list, you have the tools to start to welcome polarities into your experience. This is a deep and personal work. While it may feel subtle, it has a powerful impact. Here is an example of what Mary’s list looked like:

“Even though I can’t see my ‘underdeveloped’ side, I am open to learning more about myself because I want more out of life.”

Create an “Even though” statement for each negative word.

Step 5: Wash, Rinse, Repeat – This is one of those processes you can’t overdo! Once you become an expert at re-naming what you consider to be flaws, the beautiful Law of Polarity will swing into motion and boost your magnetism! This is a super fun and easy experiment and I hope you will grab a manifesting buddy and do it with a partner!

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